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Dolomite is an extremely hard stone, which is born as a result of special temperature and other influences, by replacing calcite. Its formation is affected by igneous and groundwaters. The stone can be slightly scratched with a needle made of strong steel, which is different from other stones, in particular, limestone.

Because of its high strength slabs are made of dolomite by means of grinding. In addition to the facing material, stairs, ramps, window sills and other places can be faced with this stone, it is also used in the interior decoration (for example, in decoration of concert and banquet halls, cabinets), decoration of columns, stairs, fireplaces, pools, arbors.

The main advantages of this stone are its resistance to temperature extremes, to frost and heat. Dolomite has high strength and has a long service life.

This stone has positive environmental features. If a room is faced with dolomite tiles, there will be favorable microclimate. In hot weather it is enough to sprinkle a little cold water on the stone, and it will maintain the necessary humidity in the room. In winter, on the contrary, dolomite tiles are able to retain heat, much better than concrete and even glass. A room or at least some part of the interior whichis finished with this stone can be called an environmentally friendly room.

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